The Social Flow Method

Growing an online coaching business involves embracing social media. 

Visibility = Growth. Right?

If creating your content feels like a're doing it wrong. It should be light. And fun. 

It should feel sociable. 

Want to know the reason you're struggling?

All of the tips and templates that you're currently using have one thing in common.

They show you how to 'brainstorm' (ie take an educated guess) at what your audience needs to hear from you (and they're usually tips from marketers - not copywriters).

Making things up is fun...for a while. Then it gets tiring. And becomes a chore.

You feel like you're constantly reinventing the wheel. Taking a stab in the dark. Rolling out yet another cliche.

Creative work is tiring. It's a good sort of tiring - if you're using it for the work you feel aligned with.

You need to keep the best of your creativity focused on your clients, your big-picture business goals, and (ideally) on something non-business-related that's just for you.

Your social media though? I'm going to show you a different way.... 

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